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SkyCoords.jl provides a type system for astronomical coordinate systems with appropriate conversions between them.


From the Julia REPL

(v1.6) pkg> add SkyCoords

julia> using SkyCoords


There are currently three supported coordinate systems. The following immutable types are used to represent coordinates in each system:

Each type holds a longitude and latitude, and each is a subtype of AbstractSkyCoords.

julia> c1 = ICRSCoords(0.0, 0.0)  # inputs are ra, dec in radians
ICRSCoords{Float64}(0.0, 0.0)

julia> c1.ra # access ra, dec individually

julia> c2 = convert(GalCoords, c1) # convert to a different system
GalCoords{Float64}(1.6814027872278692, -1.0504884034813007)

julia> c2.l # Note that galactic coordinate fields are l, b

julia> c1 |> FK5Coords{2000} # Can use piping syntax for conversion
FK5Coords{2000, Float64}(1.1102233723050067e-7, 4.411803426976326e-8)


There is built-in support for units via Unitful.jl

julia> using Unitful

julia> c = ICRSCoords(0.11255u"°", 0.00091u"rad")
ICRSCoords{Float64}(0.0019643680731196178, 0.00091)

julia> c2 = FK5Coords{2000}(0.1u"rad", 0.5)
FK5Coords{2000, Float64}(0.1, 0.5)

julia>"μrad", c)
910.0 μrad

Parsing from strings

The AstroAngles.jl package provides convenient string parsing utilities

julia> using AstroAngles

julia> c3 = ICRSCoords(hms"05:34:31.94", dms"+22:00:52.2")
ICRSCoords{Float64}(1.4596726677614607, 0.3842255081802917)

for example, to load coordinates from a target list

julia> using CSV, DataFrames

julia> table = CSV.File("target_list.csv") |> DataFrame;

julia> [table.ra table.dec]
203×2 Matrix{String}:
 "00 05 01.42"  "40 03 35.82"
 "00 05 07.52"  "73 13 11.34"
 "00 36 01.40"  "-11 12 13.00"

julia> coords = @. ICRSCoords(hms2rad(table.ra), dms2rad(table.dec))
203-element Vector{ICRSCoords{Float64}}:
 ICRSCoords{Float64}(0.021919880964005448, 0.6991780256843024)
 ICRSCoords{Float64}(0.022363485482220672, 1.277926878539953)
 ICRSCoords{Float64}(0.15718144355252264, -0.19553990200190915)

Angular Separation between Coordinates

The separation function allows you to compute the angular (great-circle) distance between two coordinates, in radians, using the Vincenty formula. The coordinates can be also given in different systems. For example, according to SIMBAD the FK5Coords{2000} coordinates of Mizar are

julia> mizar = FK5Coords{2000}(3.507787, 0.958628)
FK5Coords{2000, Float64}(3.507787, 0.958628)

while the GalCoords coordinates of Alcor are

julia> alcor = GalCoords(1.968189, 1.072829)
GalCoords{Float64}(1.968189, 1.072829)

Their angular separation is given by

julia> separation(mizar, alcor) # Radians

julia> rad2deg(separation(mizar, alcor)) * 60 # Arcminutes

with an angle

julia> position_angle(mizar, alcor) # radians

julia> position_angle(mizar, alcor) |> rad2deg # degrees


All the supported conversions have been compared to the results of astropy.coordinates (to better than 0.0001 arcsec agreement for Float64). In turn, astropy.coordinates has been tested against many other tools.


For small and moderate numbers of coordinates, conversions are much faster than astropy.coordinates in Python. The following plot shows the performance for converting ICRS coordinates to various other systems (Galactic, FK5J2000 and FK5J1975), using astropy.coordinates (py_* labels) and SkyCoords.jl (jl_* labels). The x axis denotes the number of coordinates being simultaneously converted, with 1 corresponding to scalar coordinates.


CPUIntel core i5-8259U @ 2.3GHz (4 cores)
Julia Version1.2
Python Version3.7
Astropy Version3.1.2

For scalar coordinates, SkyCoords.jl is up to 100,000 times faster. For very large vectors of one million coordinates or more, SkyCoords.jl is 2-4 times faster. The source code for these benchmarks can be found in bench/.


If you would like to contribute to SkyCoords please head over to the GitHub page and file an issue or open a pull request!