Image Filtering
The package ImageFiltering.jl makes it easy to apply arbitrary filters to images.
Gaussian Blurs
Let's start by downloading a radio image of Hercules A:
using AstroImages
using ImageFiltering
fname = download(
herca = load("herca-radio.fits")
Let's now apply a Gaussian blur (aka a low pass filter) using the imfilter
herca_blur_20 = imfilter(herca, Kernel.gaussian(20.0))
The image has been smoothed out by convolving it with a wide Gaussian.
Let's now do the opposite and perform a high-pass filter. This will bring out faint variations in structure. We can do this by subtracting a blurred image from the original:
herca_blur_4 = imfilter(herca, Kernel.gaussian(4.0))
herca_highpass = herca .- herca_blur_4
We now see lots of faint structure inside the jets!
Finally, let's adjust how the image is displayed and apply a non-linear stretch: