Converting to RGB
If you have two or more images of the same scene taken at different wavelengths, you may wish to combine them to create a colour composite.
For ultimate control, you can do this manually using imview
. Simply map your channels to RGB
values using imview
and then sum the results.
For convenience, AstroImages.jl provides the function composecolors
Using composecolors
We'll demonstrate composecolors
using Hubble images of the Antenae colliding galaxies.
One can be very scientific about this process, but often the goal of producing color composites is aesthetic or about highlighting certain features for public consumption.
I'll set the default color map to grayscale to avoid confusion.
using AstroImages
Let's start by downloading the separate color channel FITS files:
antred = AstroImage(download(""))
antgreen = AstroImage(download(""))
antblue = AstroImage(download(""))