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PSFModels can be added from the Julia package manager

julia> ] # pressing ']' should drop you into pkg-mode
pkg> add PSFModels

Getting Started

To import the library

julia> using PSFModels

None of the models are exported to avoid namespace clashes, but it can be verbose to continuously rewrite PSFModels. You can either import names directly

julia> using PSFModels: gaussian

julia> model = gaussian(x=0, y=0, fwhm=8)

or you can create an alias for PSFModels

# julia version 1.5 or below
using PSFModels
const M = PSFModels
# julia version 1.6 or above
import PSFModels as M

model = M.gaussian(x=0, y=0, fwhm=10)

Contributing and Support

If you would like to contribute, feel free to open a pull request. If you want to discuss something before contributing, head over to discussions and join or open a new topic. If you're having problems with something, please open an issue.